Monday, September 19, 2011

Repeat and reload

I waste my time on you and you,
for what but wasting time from You,
blurring the line between waste and want,
slurring my thought of what I want,
for me,
my thoughts, my dreams,
where I want to be.

Stagnated, stipulated, 

sluggishly insinuated,
slushy, slurpy, 

from 7 til 11,
(but really until 3),
then sleep becomes me.

Dilated, debilitated, directly disorientated,
linear projections swerving to diagonal distractions,
treading along the path now faded,
faded and wasted, lying in wait,
plod along, redirect, reconnect,
the time has come to stipulate.

Procrastinated from purpose
unyielding and unnerving,
fighting to regain composure,
uncertainties overwhelm,
off the track, double back,
totally out of whack.

Crack my head on pathways closed,
pathways so old, no path to follow,
dusted, covered, crushing my bread crumbs,
no Hansel to my Gretal,
no gingerbread foes.

No route, no map,
gps can't load,
inhale, exhale,
repeat and reload...

1 comment:

  1. Well written and rhymed dokhtaram .... not everyone is as lucky as you are to let the “Writings" guide your GPS required :-)
