In the process of completing an assignment for my 'International Environmental Law' subject, I have been required to do an immense amount of reading and research, primarily from my set-text. Amongst many a profound statements and ideas, this excerpt stood out:
"Our consciousness extends throughout the world passing freely across political frontiers. Our sympathy extends to the whole of humanity. Our moral and social responsibility extends to the whole of humanity and to the whole of the physical world which we transform by our actions. But our social ideals and our social possibilities are trapped and stifled within the mental structures which divide and disable the human world, structures which human consciousness has made and which human consciousness can remake.
The necessary revolution will free human consciousness from its self-subjection, from its self-disabling, from its self-destroying, allowing our ideas and our ideals, as well as our willing and our acting, to include the whole world, the physical world and the human world. The necessary revolution will leave us free to make and remake a human society which does not abolish our national societies but embraces and completes them.
The necessary revolution is a world revolution. The world revolution is a revolution not on the streets but in our minds."
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