Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Haters be hatin'

I hate you. Not because of who you are, but because you're the only person I let in, and then you broke me.
I hate you for having brought out my emotions and for leaving permanent scars.
I hate you for hiding from me and I hate your nonchalance.
I hate your false pretences that fool everyone else. 
I hate that I know you well enough to have known you'd never fight for me.
I hate that you haven't been given the advantages in life that I have, 
I hate that that has made you cynical about a person who wants to treat you right.
I hate that you're not in my life and the void that remains after all this time.
I hate that I can't call you or drop by to say hi.
I hate that I lost you, 
But what I hate most is that I once had you, 
because if I never had you then I wouldn't hate at all.