Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chicago has nothing on Copenhagen

Copenhagen is official the windy city.

Yesterday I was riding my bicycle to a friend's place and on the way I was constantly being blown off course (imagine a bicycle involuntarily moving in a sideways direction). But not only was I being blown off course, the wind was enveloping me from all directions, one minute it would be pushing me forward leaving no need to pedal, the next I was pedaling like an Olympic cyclist and wasn't gaining any ground. I was trying to work out what the Danes did in such conditions, so I looked around me and realised I was the only bicycle in sight.

The night was nicely topped off when I arrived home later on, only to find the massive garbage bins on my street had tipped over and shifted about 100 meters down the street, dragging about 15 parked bicycles along with them.

Lesson of the day: Don't ride your bicycle when the wind is strong enough to blow garbage bins away.


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