Sunday, November 29, 2009

Percussive, melodic, and rhythmic

I don't want this to become a blog solely about musical discovery and the such, but I couldn't deprive you of the musical ingenuity of Maneli Jamal. By chance I stumbled upon his song, Movement III Ziur, a couple of days ago and since then I've been hooked. Of course, by nature, I had to delve a little deeper and find out how he came to do what he does, and I found quite the interesting tale of forced nomadic movement. I will leave it for your own interest to read up on him, but I will just add that perhaps it was because of these experiences that he was able to seek out the Arts (in this case through Music) to express himself through his experimentation with the acoustic guitar not only in its melodic abilities, but the less trodden territories of percussion and rhythm.

It is not often that I buy music, but without hesitation I click on the link to the itunes store and typed in my Credit Card details - if you're interested in buying his CD let me take one step out of the equation: click here

I leave you with a taste:

"The art of music is divine and effective. It is the food of the soul and spirit. Through the power and charm of music the spirit of man is uplifted."

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