Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lost in yOUR world

If I were the aviation authority I could ban your excess baggage, 
Make you suck it up and leave behind all that extra carnage.
Severe all remaining ties, forcing you to disconnect,
Recollect, re-compress, reload then reconnect,
Detach you from the past that left you all delusional,
Left you believing that love only be illusional.

Lost your self, your soul, your sanity,
Sold debt, soul wept, sole self, so inept,
"Excuse my anger, I'm not always like this", 
From outrage to nonchalance,
Turn my anger into apathy,
But wait, no, I can’t morph your identity,
Can’t make you leave behind your attaché, 

And now I see in front of me my whole future,
How to make each morn even more the richer,
Everyone’s a hero trying to save the old world,
But world unity starts with your own word,
Not saying you didn’t hurt me, you made me sick,
Flick of a stick and you were gone; crack and whip,
And I sink, and then think how much I hated this,
I reminisced, so please excuse this,

But life is rare and the world is beautiful,
No one said it was easy, we are all soul-full,
And we each have a body like Lewis told you,
We got one shot no chance to renew,
So I’ll forgive and forget what we did and said,
With love and kindness, I tread with my legs,
As I head on out, I hold you in respect.

N.Homsey & S.Rouhani


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