Monday, October 25, 2010

Just brush it off.

- the wisest words I ever heard, and forgot for too long.

I forgot what it was to just forget and let go of people and the things they do that may hurt of bother me because at the end of the day, I would hope, they aren't personal attacks. Which brings me to a favourite quote of mine:

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

If there is anything I have learnt in the past couple years, it is that the people you interact with (particularly in the work place) will always be your biggest test. If we were to all take into consideration that everyone has their own 'battles' that they are facing, perhaps we would be more tactful in our behaviour towards one another and to just let go of the insignificant things we tend to get caught up on.

Before I digress I will end with this:

"..strive ye with heart and soul to practice love and kindness to the world of humanity at large.." - Baha'i Writings

My aim from now: just brush it off.

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