It seemed like a good idea at the time, drinking a cup of Turkish coffee to have my 'fortune' read. Perhaps I should've taken the time into consideration. It’s now almost 4 am and I'm still buzzing from my 10pm caffeine intake.
And after all the heart palpitations, this is what I learned of my future:
- I am too caught up in my dreams that I forget to live the present
- My future plans (near and distant) are going to be very busy and chaotic (story of my life)
- There is someone in my life that is begging for my forgiveness - down on their hands and knees!
Now, considering the last 6 months of my life have been a rollercoaster ride of semi-organised chaos, the prospect of a continuation of this hecticness is a little more than I can handle. As for the forgiveness business, anyone who knows me at all knows that I don't hold grudges and hence don't even need to be asked for forgiveness. And finally, dreamer I have always been, dreamer will I always be.
In conclusion, Turkish coffee --> fortune telling = no 'light' shed = sleepless night = (hate to say it) EPIC FAIL.
In conclusion, Turkish coffee --> fortune telling = no 'light' shed = sleepless night = (hate to say it) EPIC FAIL.
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