Wednesday, February 20, 2013

this is beyond lame.

These are not my own words, however I carry the same sentiments to a tee:

"I need to get something off my chest that I’ve been holding in so as not to offend peoples delicate liberal sensitivities. Illicit drug use is really lame. I mean, could you think of something lamer to do with your life? Seriously. You only get one shot and you never know when you are going to die. To the drugged out flakes, festival pill poppers and shufflers of Sydney - (wo)man up for fucks sake and do something real to help society with your limited time on this Earth instead of participating in and funding a disgusting industry that causes nothing but destruction in the world. You think you are “free” and having “experiences” (because its all about “experiences” when you are a hipster flake) but you are just buying into a lifestyle which ultimately leaves you terribly limited. When I have a stable asset base, full use of my mental faculties, a range of healthy habits and the financial and physical freedom to do whatever I want in 10 years, we will see who is “free”. 
Drug users always say to me, “you’re so judgemental, you are not accepting of who I am, it’s not like I am a junkie, it’s not a big deal”. I beg to differ. Accepting someone into your life is about being attracted to the qualities of a persons soul - kindness, courage, generosity, compassion, respect etc. It’s not about accepting someone’s bad habits and encouraging them. In fact, I think that sort of indulgence and acquiescence is negligent and the opposite of love. What sort of friend supports their friends in taking toxic substances that have the potential to serious harm or kill them just so they can have a surge of energy (or sedation) and escape the world for a few short hours? I like to think I’m a better friend than that. 
I bet people will look at this article and say “see everyone’s doing it, it should be decriminalised”. To those people I’d like to say, go down to any rehab clinic in Sydney and tell me Ice should be easier to access. Dipshits." 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

oh soul

‎"Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.

Of anything less,
why do you worry?
You are in truth
the soul, of the soul, of the soul.”

― Rumi