Wednesday, August 24, 2011


A poem I found quite a while ago. It held meaning to it then, just as it does now. But naturally, different circumstances, difference experiences mean I read it quite differently now...

You’ve got cobwebs on the brain
and dust on your piano keys
but you used to play so sweetly.
Chipped-toothed and ragged,
full of regrets
and half formed romances;
got distracted too easily
by a misplaced smile.
I’m never alone now -
even the strangers know me.
They look at my eyes
and it’s far deeper
than even God looked. 
No secrets are sacred,
no whispers unheard.
If I’m easily disguised
it’s because I’m parading
under false pretenses. 
You might spit in my eyes
if only to heal me
but the blindness is nothing
when you’re deaf and dumb.
I’m twisting these metaphors
into tightly woven baskets
that you can lose a soul in. 
We’re ticking,
I’m clockwork.
Easily combustible,
sometimes self destructible,
and always too susceptible.

- Sarah Stuparits

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