Sunday, May 29, 2011

Winter break

It seems I am destined to spend the duration of my winter break at home.
So my plans for the soon-to-be-commencing time off:
- finish my room (I've been 'redoing' so to speak)
- acquire a new macbook, as mine is seeing its last days
- develop the films that have been gathering dust on my shelf
- actually attend hockey training
- spend time at the piano, have a chat, get reacquainted, play a bit etc

...I'm sure I can come up with some more things when the time comes..

Please acknowledge that I am sitting here planning my holiday whilst my 8,000 words that are due in the next few days remain unwritten. Cheers.


  1. Next time I knew almost all that already. Your blogs are boring. Tell me something I don't know. :P

  2. Oh.. I'm sorry you know everything about my life.
