Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy New Year! (including a message from Obama)

March 21st is Naw Ruz (New Day). For Baha'is this brings and end to the Month of Ala, also know as the Fasting period. I have talked about the Baha'i Fast in a previous post (click here for more information). Since ancient times it has been the great national holiday of Iran, the only holiday celebrated by more than one religious group.

Abdu'l-Baha explained the significance of Naw Ruz in terms of the symbolism of the new life of spring. The day coincides with the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere, signifying the bond of renewal taking place in the physical world with the spiritual reality of renewal pervading all of humanity in this unusual period of history and reflected in the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. It is "a day of joy, a time of happiness, a period of spiritual growth"
"Praise be Thou, O my God, that Thou has ordained Naw-Ruz as a festival unto those who have observed the Fast for love of Thee and abstained from all that is abhrrent unto Thee..."
Bahá'u'lláh, Prayer for Naw Ruz

On another note, Obama in his address to the Iranian people to wish them a Happy New Year, made mention of the suffering of the Baha'is, along with many others that have suffered under the hands of the Iranian government who has taken it in their hands to make life a living hell for those living within the borders of this once great nation. Here is a link to Obama's message:

And with that, I wish all those who celebrate this time of year, a Happy New Year!
"The whole world is born anew, resurrected. Gentle zephyrs are set in motion, wafting and fragrant; flowers bloom; the trees are in blossom, the air temperate and delightful; how pleasant and beautiful become the mountains, fields and meadows."

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