Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today marks the first day of the 15th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. I am lucky enough to be Copenhagen during this historic week of negotiations that seek to bring about an agreement across the world on how to target the issue of Global Warming. The city is buzzing, with thousands of people flooding into the city in the hope of being a part of a potentially significant moment in history. The success of this Conference has been widely debated and the result is still very unknown, but with time running out to make a significant change we can only hope that there will be a deal reached here in Copenhagen. As the Danish Prime Minister has said, "A deal is within our reach." Lets hope he is right!

On the 17th and 18th of December, 110 heads of states and governments will come to Copenhagen in an attempt to seal a political global climate deal. If a deal is agreed, the UN will aim at transforming it into a legally binding text to replace the Kyoto Protocol as its regulations of emissions expires in 2012. Sign the petition here:

However, regardless of the outcome in Copenhagen, further meetings will most definitely be necessary to finalise the "rules" of any new treaty. Anything done without spiritual insight is flawed, and the world still hasn't realised this. Although there is all this talk about active change and the public becoming more aware of the impacts of climate change, ultimately the world's leaders are still too focused on the economic impact of modifying the current system of functioning.

Treaty or no treaty, a new world order has to be established before any real 'change' will occur. Until then.. temperatures will keep rising, ice caps will continue melting and Australians will keep dying of skin cancer because the hole in the Ozone layer continues growing.

I'm no climatologist, or expert in any field for that matter, but I know that it will take more than a treaty to bring about the kind of change that is needed to save the world from its impending doom.

1 comment:

  1. Hopenshmagen. Politicians are useless. Children are the future. Ask any child, they'll tell you they want good weather. Go climate change!

    [so much for useless comments]
